CompSci Blogs

August 2023 to June 2024

Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Extras/Games Accomplishments
0 - Hannah's Daily Plan Week 0
- Sample IPYNB w/ html,img
- Review Ticket Week 0
1 - Hannah's Daily Plan Week 1
- Sample IPYNB w/ table,code
- Snake
- Catch the Ball
- Guessing Game
- Review Ticket Week 1
2 - Hannah's Daily Plan Week 2
- Calculator MD
- Calculator IPYNB
- Game of Life
- Review Ticket Week 2
3 - Hannah's Daily Plan Week 3
- Quick Draw Game
- Review Ticket Week 3
- Linux Hacks

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Extras/Games Accomplishments
4 - Group Plans
- Flask JWT Roles for User / Admin user
5 - Mind Map
- Statistical Calculator
6 - Web Basics Review Ticket
7 - Simulations TT
- Reflection

Unit3: Tri 1 start

Week Plans Extras/Games Accomplishments

Unit4: Tri 2 start

Week Plans Extras/Games Accomplishments
14 - The Internet
15 - Computing Bias
- Safe Computing
- Beneficial and Harmful Effects Team Teach
- Team Teaching - Fault Tolerance & Parallel and Distributed Computing
- P2 | SASS
17 - CPT Individual Review Blog