PBL Unit 1 / Week 1

Days Plans Problems
Monday - Mr. Mort and Mr. Lopez were still doing live reviews so it gave me and Ellie time to start working on the rest of out blog. - bundle install wouldn't work no matter how many times I tried to input the information into the terminal
Tuesday - Mr. Lopez explained how to download the Snake Game onto the CompSci table so that you could play the game - Some of these things were still unable to install in the terminal was not working
Wednesday - Started working on the table itself in the CompSci tab - whenever I pressed make it wouldn't give me a certain link so that I could be able to actually see my website
Thursday - I wasn't sure on how to add more posts to the actual table so I started browsing the code to see if anything correlated with each other to create the posts - had a hard time putting images into the website and dragging and dropping certain things
Friday - After figuring out how to ceate more posts using the md and html files, I then started finishing up my CompSci page - I wasn't use on how to change the theme of my website. I would insert my code from the theme into my code but it still wouldn't work. I wanted to make my website pop more instead of using the basic theme that was grey/black and green.