What I worked on:

  • frontend work for the titanic
  • backend work
  • added more notes for clarification on code
  • Deployment Test Link

Reflecting on improving code is crucial for enhancing efficiency, readability, and maintainability. It’s essential to regularly review code and identify areas for enhancement. One aspect I could focus on is optimizing the use of Pandas DataFrame methods. By exploring and leveraging more advanced features and functions provided by Pandas, such as chaining methods, group by operations, or using vectorized operations, I can potentially streamline my code and make it more concise. Additionally, I could pay closer attention to variable naming conventions and documentation to improve code readability and make it easier for others (and my future self) to understand the code’s purpose and functionality. Furthermore, embracing modularization and breaking down complex tasks into smaller, reusable functions could promote code reusability and facilitate easier debugging and maintenance. By consistently seeking opportunities to refine my coding practices and staying updated with best practices and new techniques, I can continue to enhance the quality and efficiency of my codebase.