You could use AI or another team to check their work

Citizen Science

  • Citizen Science is scientific research that the general population helps to conduct. Ordinary citizens, often non-scientists, help contribute data to research projects using computing devices.
  • Gives a wide range of people the ability to contribute to scientific studies which provides more diverse data.

    Popcorn Hack

    How do you believe participating in a citizen science project could enhance both scientific research and public engagement, and can you share any specific areas of scientific study where citizen science might make a significant impact in the future?


Question 1

Explain the concept of crowdsourcing. Provide examples of how it is commonly used in different fields.

  • Crowdsourcing is the collection of information, opinions, or work from a group of people, usually sourced via the Internet. Crowdsourcing is commonly used in fields like education where educational institutions and platforms use crowdsourcing to create educational content, develop courses, or review and improve existing materials. Another example would be content creation with video games where video game developers often involve the gaming community in creating content, such as character designs, maps, or game modifications.

    Question 2

    Discuss the benefits and challenges associated with crowdsourcing. How can organizations effectively harness the power of crowdsourcing while mitigating potential drawbacks?

  • The benefits of crowdsourcing is that it is cost efficient and it efficiently tackls repetitive tasks. It also supports community engagement, and adaptability which makes it a good tool for organizations looking for creative solutions and public participation. However, a challenge would be that quality control and participant motivation, which requires careful management. One way that an organization can effectively harness the power of crowdsourcing while keeping in mind potential drawbacks is by breaking a larger project up into individual micro-tasks. Workers will then unite to tackle these micro-tasks in small pieces, effectively making the process go faster.

    Question 3

    Identify a real-world example of a successful crowdsourcing project. Explain the project, its goals, and the positive outcomes achieved through the collaboration of a large group of people.

  • Kickstarter is a popular crowdsourcing platform that allows creators to fund their projects by collecting contributions from a large number of backers. It has gathered the funding of different creations, including films, music albums, technological innovations, and more.

    Question 4

    Create a hypothetical scenario where crowdsourcing could be applied to solve a specific problem. Describe the problem, the type of contributions you would seek from the crowd, and the potential impact of implementing the crowdsourced solution.

  • People get off of work at around the same time in this town which leads to a bunch of traffic. So they ask people for ideas online through google forms. People suggest things like better bus routes, flexible work hours, and smarter traffic lights. The goal is to use the community’s ideas to fix the traffic problem and make life better for everyone.