Summary of Accomplishments

  • About our Passion Project:

We all found out that we enjoy art so we wanted to make a project that surrounds itself with the idea of exploring both popular and new artists and their work. In a way, we wanted other people to explore these ideas of art and how impacting it could be

  • Team Jobs:

Ellie is the main frontend so she’s in charge of what it visually looks like. Katelyn is the scrum master so she helped ellie, but she also made info on the artists and their art. I’m the main backend so it was my job to create an API for the project. Pranavi is the Devops so it was her job to deploy the backend to AWS and also help me with backend code.

  • My Job:
    • Created the api and api key
    • Downloaded flask and other requirements that were needed on the .txt file
    • Designed the api and the api model
    • Made sure the functions on the met the requirements
    • Tested it on postman
    • Once tested on postman I made sure that the fetch functions and variables matched up with the frontend
  • Reflection: I had a hard time at first trying to get the API to work mainly because I wasn’t familiar with using APIs for search engines/features. It took me a few hours to get the API to work, but together with Pranavi we were able to figure out the model for the api and the api itself. We also had some issues in the frontend with fetching the data from the backend, but it was fixed later on